In partnership with the Meeker Street Bar & Grill, Kent AM Kiwanis co-hosted our first Golf Tournament on August 21st at the Riverbend Golf Course. It was a beautiful sunny day out on the course and spirits were high as everyone played for fun and prizes! Taek Kim, owner of Meeker Street Bar & Grill and Kent AM Kiwanis Board Member, hosted a wonderful post golf raffle and lunch at Meeker Street. Club Member Rushaad Tate played the role of auctioneer and did a great job getting everyone excited.
Overall, it was a very fun event for all involved, golfers and volunteers alike. We ended up with 25 teams; 100 players plus some other special guests, including Lori Matsukawa, former King 5 anchor, a true pleasure. Everyone had a really good time for the actual event plus lunch, the entertainment, and raffle drawing. Some of our prizes included 2 sets of Seahawks games, 3 sets of Raniers games, plus parking passes and buffet lunch. We also had lots of cool prizes from beer, liquor, and Pepsi vendors. Everyone is looking forward to next year’s tournament already!