The Kent AM Kiwanis Club met at incoming President Dino Traverso’s house for a lovely backyard banquet September 22nd to install the 2021-2022 Board of Directors and Officers and celebrate a wonderful year of service. It was a cool fall evening as we gathered together for one of only a few times during this challenging pandemic year.
Celebrating outgoing President Matthew York, with a lego theme, was a pure joy and reminded us all not to take ourselves to seriously. Matthew took the time to walk around to everyone gathered to share his praise on their contributions to our club, community and mission to service. He presented the Kiwanian of the Year award to Taek Kim for his energy and efforts bringing new ideas and opportunities to our club this year.
The evening concluded with incoming President Dino Traverso sharing his vision to get engagement from every club members on what matters to them. We’re all eager to hear more and see what this 2021-2022 year will bring.